Akwa Ibom State governor Deacon Udom Emmanuel, Saturday afternoon, visited injured Akwa United’s player and officials who are currently receiving treatment at a hospital in Uyo following the team’s involvement in an auto crash on Friday on their way to Kaduna for NPFL Match-day 15 with Jigawa Golden Stars.

Governor Udom Emmanuel who was represented by the honourable Commissioner for Youths and Sports Sir Monday Uko expressed sadness over the unfortunate incident and sympathized with the team, while praying for speedy recovery for all injured members.

The Commissioner explained that the state governor, Deacon Udom Emmanuel is aware of the sad incident and that the state government has promised to foot the hospital bills of all injured members of the team.

“Let me first of all thank God Almighty for His protection over the entire Akwa United family especially those who made that trip. The pictures we saw were horrifying and we are grateful to God that no life was lost.

“Although His Excellency Deacon Udom Emmanuel is out of the state on official assignment, he is fully aware of what happened to our darling team, Akwa United. The Governor has directed that all affected members of the team be given the best of treatment on the state government’s bill.

“I wish to sincerely congratulate the management of Akwa United led by Elder Paul Bassey for his prompt response and immediate evacuation of the entire team from Enugu back to the state for proper medical attention.

“Akwa United is our brand and when anything affects the team, it affects all of us. Our prayer is to see the team recover well physically and psychologically, so it can get back to the pitch to bring more glory and honour to the state.

“On behalf of His Excellency Deacon Udom Emmanuel and the good people of the state, I sympathize with every member of Akwa United Football Club and wish all involved speedy recovery” the Commissioner prayed.

In his response, the Senior Special Assistant to governor Udom Emmanuel on Sports and Chairman of Akwa United Elder Paul Bassey, expressed appreciation to Governor Udom Emmanuel for his timely intervention and support to the team.

Elder Bassey commended the Honourable Commissioner, Sir Monday Uko, for making out time to visit and comfort the team in her moment of distress.

“Honourable Commissioner we are lifted by your visit and we want to sincerely express our gratitude to you for always being there for us as a team.

“What happened to the team on our way to Kaduna was catastrophic but we are grateful to God for protecting every member of the team, though some sustained various degree of injuries, we are glad that they are all in stable condition. We wish to thank everyone who lent us a helping hand in this trying time. We wish to specially express our sincere appreciation to the management and staff of Enugu Rangers Football Club who, on hearing the sad news came and assisted us.

“With your prayers and support, we are confident that everyone at the club will soon be back to full fitness and will continue to work hard for the progress and success of the team. Once again, we say thank you for your prayers and support to Akwa United” said Elder Bassey.

Meanwhile, the Match-day 15 between Jigawa Golden Stars and Akwa United, which was earlier scheduled for Sunday 14th March, 2021 has been postponed by the league organisers, the League Management Company, LMC.

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